Tis the season to go ice fishing.

That's Tim with the auger. I'm trying to setup the tip-ups. The weather was nice. About 20F.

The ice was pretty good as we have had some cold weather lately. It was about 14" thick.

Paul and Henry. As you can see, ice fishing is very strenuous.

Fishing wasn't very good and so the boys took off to go sledding on a nearby hill.

Since they didn't have sleds. They were penguin sledding or body surfing. That's Henry going down the hill with Will standing by.

As I said, fishing wasn't very good. This was the only fish that was caught. It is a small pike. Very small. The minnow was almost as big as the pike. Oh well. My rule for having fun fishing is if one fish is caught it is a good time. If more fish are caught, all the better.